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        英文介绍 English

        The journal China Water Power & Electrification is a national first-level monthly publication published

        both at home and abroad, which is approved by the State Science and Technology Commission. It is in charge

        of the Ministry of Water Resources (MWR), sponsored by MWR Department of Water and Power, China Water

        Engineering Association, Chinese National Committee on Large Dams and Sichuan Local Electricity Bureau. Its

        civil periodical number is CN11-5543/KT, and the international standard serial number is ISSN1673-8241.

        This journal was founded in 2005, with a monthly issue volume of around 20,000 and enjoys a good reputation

        in the industry. The publication purpose is intended to spread scientific management ideas, report the

        latest scientific achievements, advocate energy conservation and emission reduction and boom China’s

        hydropower industry. Based on water resources management and hydroelectric rural electrification fields and

        oriented to vast practitioners engaged in scientific research, design, construction, supervision, detection

        and management of water resources and hydropower, it has made beneficial contribution in reporting of

        industrial policies, propaganda of scientific achievements and promotion of enterprise exchanges. The

        following columns are available in this journal: Construction Management, Research Design, Rural

        Hydroelectric Efficiency Improvement and Capacity Expansion, Overseas Water-Power Projects, Water-Soil

        Conservation & Hydropower Station Operation, and Experience Exchange, as well as foreign and domestic

        advertisements published. The readers cover leaders at all levels in the MWR and provincial water

        conservancy departments, persons in charge of large-scale construction enterprises, and key engineering


        staffs at all levels.

        《中国水能及电气化》杂志社 版权所有(©) 不得复制或建立镜像


        地址:北京市西城区南滨河路27号贵都国际中心B座1119 邮编:邮政编码:100055

        网址:zgsn.zxyqkjy.com   京ICP备08010961号